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JSynoptic in four steps...

JSynoptic is a tool dedicated to render information graphically. The user sets up and edits shapes on sheets, and can then apply data values to change shapes rendering. Data values can come from different sources such as external providers, archive files, or internally generated data (e.g mathematical expressions, random values...)

It operates in a simple way:

  1. Create and arrange the objects you need graphically on a sheet.
  2. Bring data values..
  3. Associate data to the various graphical objects in order to change their graphical aspect.
  4. Enjoy visualizing your synoptic.
  5. Once your sheet has been created, it can saved for a next utilisation. It is also possible to export or print it into various formats.

What does JSynoptic is composed of ?

Click here for a description of JSynoptic main parts !

How and where to launch JSynoptic ?

JSynoptic is a java selft-content application. It can be launched under following operating systems:

  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Solaris

JSynoptic can be started into two modes:

  • A graphical mode. This is the main application, where you can compose graphical sheets.
  • A command-line("batch") mode which lets the user process commands in a shell (e.g., under UNIX). This mode is used for batch printing, and is controlled with the appropriate command-line options.

Extending JSynoptic with plugins

JSynoptic provides a "plug-in" extension system. They are fully operant parts of JSynoptic : they are Java classes, and can be user-defined or distributed with applications wishing to interact with JSynoptic. See development part to futher information about plugins

Plugins provide abilities concerning:

  • File formats
  • Sources (source templates, network connections, etc...)
  • Shapes
  • Mathematical functions
  • GUI (menus, more tabs...)

Some shapes (yellow) and data sources (blue) JSynoptic plugins